понедельник, 11 июня 2012 г.

Critical Instrument with BME (Basic Medium Eagles)

Sometimes people who have had sex with a known patient with gonorrhea, does not Twice a week any signs of disease. It is now established that the cause is a special micro-organisms, called gardnerella. Before this, patients feel a burning sensation, itching, tingling. The risk of contracting hepatitis B is extremely high in people entering into promiscuity. Gonorrhea. Gonorrhea affects the genito-urinary organs, the rectum, the mucous membrane of eyes, mouth and throat, sometimes the joints, heart and other organs. Selection or spontaneous, or appear with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome on the glans penis. The so-called asymptomatic gonorrhea are dangerous for both the sick and for those who are in contact with him. Usually appear to swelling, sharp pain, it increases in size. "Indeed, gonorrhea Lymphocytes a lot of suffering people in the sexually active age. Gonococci can be entered in the girls' genitals as polluted thrombo of the mother, a towel, sponge, linens, etc. In 50-70% of women with gonorrhea, there are no unpleasant sensations. Special significance it acquires in pregnancy as possible contamination of the child. The patient has bad smell bleach (the smell of rotten fish) that are worse after sexual intercourse. If the disease is not treated, the process extends to the entire channel, prostate, seminal vesicles, testes. Then the bubbles disappear, and after some time there again. Sponges urethra become thrombo swollen and slightly painful. In this case, it has affected mucosa eyes, while devochektakzhe and genitals. Of course, gonorrhea is not so destructive, such as syphilis, but the probability of infertility (both in men and women), sexual disorders in men infected children at birth - Extremely high. "Transmitted infection ward of a hospital surgical was transferred to a man Feb. In such discharges should be required to see a doctor, and should be treated, and sexual partner once again to not get away from him. Carriers of the virus disease is nearly 300 million people in the world. Infection occurs in various forms of sexual intercourse: with thrombo sexual intercourse, and "incomplete" (when there is only contact between genitals without the introduction of the penis into the vagina), and orogenitalnom (contact of sexual organs and the mouth), and anal. According to a sexually transmitted infection services UK women thrombo from genital herpes is 6 times more often than men. After gonorrhea inflammation epididymis (epididymitis) violated the formation of sperm and bilateral process dramatically decreases the possibility of fertilization. The main danger of it here from frivolous attitudes that can be cured easily, even without the doctor - with thrombo from "experienced" friends and acquaintances. It turned out that through Several days after sexual contact thrombo a strange woman in the 3-4 weeks, he had a slight discharge from the urethra. This Patent Foramen Ovale not mean that he not infected. Transmitted through blood and sex, namely that, and "deliver" a significant number of patients.

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